The sun is rising once again.Woooow. So I just talked to Amber on the phone, and man, she said every possible thing right. Especially, since we're going through like the same thing, so that's really cool too...
anyways, I'm much better. I am so encouraged and happy now.
I don't know why I was getting frustrated about all this anyways. I mean, I'm not saying everything's gone, 'cause it's not, but my perspective has just been totally turned around 180 degrees.
Life is so much easier this way.
So thanks, Amber.
And, it'd be really cool to go to that AFI concert, 'cause I miss Sabrina, and I want to hang out, annnd it'd just be really fun. I wonder if there's ANY possible way I can get there... I'll have to see.
in the secret in the quiet place in the stillness You are there in the secret in the quiet hour i wait only for You cause i want to know You more i want to know You i want to hear Your voice i want to know You more i want to touch You i want to see Your face i want to know You more
such an old song, but man, the old ones are good.
¶ 10:48:00 PM