*RING RING*... "Hello, Ear?"
This weekend was probably one of the funnest times of my life. I had such a great time!! I have to go to bed, so this isn't going to be detailed. Basically, I went to Sabrina's on Friday, and we played music with the band. We went to bed at like 1:30 or something. On Saturday, we woke up, played music all day, then went to Canisteo for the concert!! We set up and played music for another two hours. Then it was time. We played the concert. The crowd was tiny, but honestly, I don't even care...they liked us a lot, and we got to play music more. After we finished, we had a much needed BAND HANGOUT time (time without instruments in our hand).
The band went to Friendly's with Jessica Herneckar and Kirstin Vance (two friends of mine), and Gabe's girlfriend, Cassie, came along, which was fun. Then, we all had bonding time in the car on the 45 minute trip back. It was filled with singing really loud, screaming really loud, linking arms so we wouldn't die, making fun of Gabe, whispering, and more loud screams (basically, most of the screams came from Josh and myself....haha) It was sad for it to be over, but when we got back, Sabrina, Veronica, and I talked outside on the porch thingy for a little while, then we all called it a night. What a wonderful day.
On Sunday, we went to church (which was my first time at their church). I really enjoyed it a lot. I loved their preacher, Pastor Bob. After church, it was World War 3 at the Gauers, but once things settled down, Mr. and Mrs. Gauer, Sabrina, and I talked in their living room, and then I had to head out. It was an absolutely wonderful weekend, and I can't wait for the next gig weekend!
So I say I went home on Sunday, but Sunday is actually today... so I came home today. I finally finished my support letters for my trip to Belize, Central America that I'm going on in a month from now exactly! I am so excited. Ryan reminded me that I'm going to get a tan while I'm down there, so that'll be a nice little bonus...haha... but all I know is that I have been standing all weekend, I've had no quietness, and I all I've done since I've been home is signing, folding, stuffing, "licking" (with a sponge), sealing, stamping, return address labeling, and address labeling 160 support letters for four and a half hours.... sooo it's really nice to be done with that. haha... Ryan did the stamps, which was nice and saved me a little time, but it seemed like forever. Anyways, I am so absolutely exhausted from this weekend, so I'm going to go to bed.
Thanks Perilous Times, for another amazing concert.
And thanks for housing me, Sabrina... I don't know how you deal with me for that long.
I love my