Jeff Carl.
March 30, 2007
  Clean-up Stage One Okay, so I've been stressed lately. Not so much stessed as brain overload and meltdown, but I've made a decision. I'm doing a complete re-vamp of life. I've come to the conclusion that I am way to over-committed. I can't keep living life trying to please the entire world. I mean, all the things I'm doing are good, worth-while things, but I can't keep trying to give so much of myself to so many people. It's physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining in so many ways. I am the kind of guy who needs to lay on his bedroom floor and stare at the ceiling not thinking one single thought, but just zoning (which I am quite good at doing). The problem is, I haven't been able to do that in forever (besides relaxing in Florida for one day). I hope you get my point.

The biggest problem is that if I continue devoting to myself to a million different little things, I won't be able to do a few of those awesome BIG things that I love to do. I've decided that it's time for a change. I'm going to "tie up" a few ends of some of my present projects, then after that, NO MORE. Also, I'm going to be resigning from a few things (or more harshly put, "quitting", but I hate that word, so we'll stick with resigning). I think all in all you get my drift. I've started the operation cleanup with beginning my 5 overloaded baskets of laundry lying all over my bedroom floor. Also, I've made lists of everything needed to be done. I'm really excited for this refreshment of my life. I need air to breathe. I need space to fly. I need time for God. I need "me time" to continue functioning. Just letting you all know.

Now for a quick update on life. As most of you known, my Grandma Sheila died two weeks ago tomorrow early morning. My mom is still down in Florida (she'll have been down there two weeks this Sunday). So basically, I've seen my mom four (and that's rounding) days out of fourteen. Basically, it is official that my Grandaddy can not be left alone, so until we get the longterm solution figured out, one of my parents is constantly going to need to be with him. Basically, the schedule for this short-term solution is absolutely insane.

Schedule at a glance:
Grandma Sheila dies Saturday. (3/17) Mom goes to Florida Sunday. (3/18)
Jeff, Dave, Dad, and Ryan go to FL that Wednesday. (3/21)
Jeff, Dave, and Ryan come home Saturday. (Mom and Dad still down there) (3/24)
Dad comes home Tuesday. (Mom still there) (3/27)
Jeff, Dave, Dad, and Ryan fly down this coming Thursday. (4/5)
Jeff, Dave, Ryan, and Mom coming home Monday (after Easter). (Dad still there) (4/8)
Mom flies back down to FL. (Kids at home alone) (a week later apx.)
A few days later, Dad comes back, but Mom is still in FL.
Awhile later, Mom and Grandaddy come to NY for a few days.

and that's how far we are so far. Insane.
I hope we all last. Obviousely, we all just need to pull together in this situation.

Prayer would be appreciated. :)

I'm excited. This Sunday, I'm doing special music at a church in Elmira with my friend Kaitlin Walker. The song sounds absolutely amazing, so I'm sure it'll go really well.

I have praise team practice tomorrow, and I think I'm going to head to FLM's Sherathon for a little while in the lunch/afternoon timeframe.

Greg came over tonight, and we went to play tennis, but the nets aren't up yet. So we just chilled over near Erwin Valley. You know, just doing the basics, throwing giant sticks like javalins (spelling?). Pretending to kills orcs, all that good stuff. :-p We kicked the soccer ball around too, and we just got to hang out which was nice.

I vacuumed my car out today. :)

Ryan and I played basketball (PIG to be precise) after school today, and it was fun. I beat him 5 games to 1. haha. Who knew?

Well, I'm going to do some laundry. haha. Hope everybody's doin' well. Cheers.

-Jeff Carl 
So, as soon as you drove away yesterday, i realized that i have no clue what i'm going to wear this Sunday, and that is a big deal. Have any suggestions, oh fashionable friend of mine? I need some. With my luck we'll probably end up matching again (which wouldn't be such a bad thing, actually).
1. Olivia and I used to sing that first song you have all the time in 10th grade and I love it.

2.I havent listened to The Luckiest in ages.

3. I'm glad you are realizing you can't please everyone. You'll kill yourself trying to do that.

4. I hope everything works out. You are definitely in my prayers.

♥ Hannah
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