Curse Daylight Savings
Ok, so yeah it's nice in the fall, but I hate it now for the spring. Today was fun. The band came to Corning, and we went to the music store in Horseheads and spent all of our $500 dollar gift certificate (from the Victory Highway comp.), and we got lots of new cool stuff. We got home and practiced for a few hours, had dinner, then saw West High School Masterworks'
Grease, which was pleasantly amazing, actually. Much better than the fall show to be honest. It was fun sitting with Hannah too, as we all got to make comments to each other throughout the show. Congrats to all the people involved.
We got home and watched a movie, had soda, and ate ice-cream, but now (thanks to daylight savings time), i'm going to bed at 2:19 AM, and I have to get up at 6:30AM. Yes, isn't that just sweet?
Oh well. It was worth it, 'cause I got to hang out with friends. :)
What a fun night.