100th Post
And what a good post it is!! Multiple exciting news.
1. I hung out with a new friend, Lauren, today, which was really fun. We had lunch at the mall, then split for like an hour or two before we met up at the movie theatre on Marco, and we watched The Brave One and ate food. It was a fun time.
2. I start working.... well actually, I have my "orientation" on Sunday. YAY.
3. While at the mall today, in Hollister, the manager came up to me and asked if I wanted to work there. haha.... I thought it was funny.
4. Ryan went on another friend adding spree for my myspace, and someone messaged him that lives in Naples. Apparantly he's the production manager of a Haitan television show down here. He heard my music and wants to play one of my music videos on the show, which is apparently called MTD (Music Talent Discovery). Oh, and since I don't HAVE a music video for any of my stuff, he said that they could probably help me make one! Here's one of the messages he sent Ryan:
"Yeah, i live in NAPLES
I'm the production manager
i'm in my space at least once a day
so you can email memy show call MTD TV SHOW
Music Talent Discovery
its on Comcast CN35
that could be channel 10, 23, 35, or 80 depends on where you at.
its on every Sunday @ 3:00PM
its a Haitian show, I mean we do it for the haitian community, so we speak mostly creole in the show.
but still a lot of Haitian love those type of rhythm song your brother sings.
It would be a huge step for him.
tell him about our conversation
if he's ok with it
mail me then i'll give you my phone number then you can call me, and i'll have you guys come down in Naples then we can talk some business
HOW COOL is that? So exciting. I don't even know what'll come of it. I just think that's so cool. Anyways, so that's some of my exciting news. :)
Only five more days until NEW YORK! WoO HoO.