the Rhythmic Operation
I kind of maybe sort of had a little taste of the Itunes monster. It got me. I bought one album... which kind of led to buying two albums... then a third... maybe fourth or fifth... well, why don't I just tell you what I will be listening to in the car for the next couple weeks, haha. And I don't care if you make fun of me for my selections. I don't care if some of them are cheesy. I like the music, so I bought it. Not ashamed... haha.
(Album) Okay, so let's start with:
1. Awake
by Secondhand Serenade2. High School Musical 2 Soundtrack
3. It Won't Be Soon Before Long
by Maroon 54. Hannah Montana 2
by Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana5. Insomniatic
by Aly and AJ(Individual Songs)
1. Enrique Iglesius' "Somebody's Me"
... so there you go. My new music playlist. haha. I know it's quite random. Everything from emo punk music to dance pop music to disney channel teeny-bopper music. That defines me I guess. I love a little of everything.
Anyways.... just thought I'd share.