The Start [JUMP]
Okay, world. It's official. Ryan and I are a team. I'm sure I've mentioned at some point or another how awesome Ryan has been toward my musical endeavers. When I first started my JeffCarlMusic myspace, I sent friend requests to my friends and built up a small fanbase of about 130 people or something. Well, Ryan, being the awesome brother that he is, wanted me to go further, so he began sending requests to random people over myspace, and in the little work that he's done, my profile is now flourishing with around 900 friends. It's amazing to go to my page and see that in one day it had almost 200 plays... or 130... or 210.... or 70. Even 20 plays is amazing to see. It's really exciting to me.
Anyways, up until now, it's kind of been half mast. We've both gotten more enthusiastic about it, but hadn't really committed to anything really. It's kind of like we were both in agreement that I wanted to go somewhere, but we weren't really doing MUCH. Anyways, long story short, through a turn of events and emotions, he and I are on fire right now for my musical future, and we're finally getting off of our butts and doing something about it. We're no longer just SAYING that we want to go places, but metaphorically, the bags are packed, and we're on the road. He and I have decided to do a complete revamp of life. Starting tomorrow, or I guess now it's "today" since it's after midnight, but Ryan and I are committing to this future. We're both going to try to add a few hundred people a day to my myspace, which through time, will add up very quickly. The response will hopefully be huge. Also, I'm going to work my butt of to try to figure out all my recording software, so that I can actually get some of my new material in the works. That said, of course that means I'm gonna continue to work hard on WRITING my new material in general. Not to mention, Evan almost has a new addition to my song list done. It'll be up on my myspace really soon. It's called Alibi. It's another Evan Sieling original, but I did the vocals on it, so we're gonna go head and put it up. I'm really excited, because it shows another side of me. The upbeat, dancy side. haha. I'm excited.
Anyways, I could seriousely talk for hours about the fact that I'm finally moving forward with my life, but you'd all get bored I'm sure. I'm just really stoked to finally have the motivation and means to move forward with this. The thing I'm most excited about is that I'm making sure that above all, God is number one. It's not about being famous. It's not about the number of fans. It's not about money or the world's definition of success. As cool as all those are, in the end, it's about showing God through me and maybe, just maybe having a positive effect on at least one person's life. If I lived my entire life with having an impact on only one person at some point, it'd all be worth it. I want to be a vessel of God. I am his ambassador, and I don't think he would have given me this feeling if nothing was going to come of it. I'm moving forward.
Prayer would definitely be appreciated as all this goes on. Like I said, it's a complete life revamp. So many NEW things have happened lately that have just given me this sense of refreshment and clean slates. The move to Florida. The rediscovery of my music writing side. New clothes and I'm getting an INTENSE haircut soon (which I don't know how it'll be, since I'm getting it pretty short) to enhance "my look" (haha), new keyboard. Recording software. New music. Some early on myspace success. An enthusiastic little brother who is only 14 and already a wonderful "manager"... haha. Like I said, I could go on, but I'm just really excited about all this.
No more entries about wishful thinking and childish dreams. It's time for those to become a reality. Future, here I come, with God on my side. I will always look up. Here we go.
/////EDIT/////Rachelle Snavely is backup singer/encourager....
........And I swear, I was not told to add that.