
***Last three images stolen from John Carl's facebook.***
Thanksgiving was certainly different this year, but oh how incredibly awesome it was. I think it was our first thanksgiving NOT in our house, and not only that, but the entire family wasn't there either. My dad and brother and uncle were out in Las Vegas for my Aunt Linda (and now Uncle Joe's) wedding. CRAZY! So anyways, even though we were sad that dad and Dave couldn't join us, John, Ally, Laura, and Dar all got to come down to Marco for the holiday! It was no joke the most fun I've had since I've been down here. It was so incredible. I am not even going to try to describe how the weekend went, but I have my memories. I just can't describe how much I love my family, and how much I'm glad to be in this Carl family. I love my siblings, and I love my parents, and I love the times we spend together. The main reason why is because we're living in the days that we talked about growing up. It's insane to think that they've arrived, but the harsh reality is that they're here. Those days when it's a rare occasion to have the whole family in one place. The days where you could go months without seeing a family member. The days when you'd reminisce about the old days. Those days are here. It is scary, but at the same time, it is invigorating and exciting. The only thing ahead is the future and what we make of it. I am ready to make every moment count, seize the day, and lunge into this scary, huge, unknown abyss that we call tomorrow and take it by the horns. I'll tell you what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for my family, who amidst the storms and the quakes are there for me no matter what, supporting everything I do, and above all... love me. I love my family.
-Jeff Carl
p.s. This is a video I made for our church's Wednesday night program called Ignite. It is about the youth's S.W.A.T. music/drama team that has been going on for 8 weeks: