Phone Revival

I finally got my new phone, the Verizon Voyager!!! It is amazing.
I have been phoneless since October 28th, when some gimpster decided to steel my phone, not return it, and put $200 worth of crap on it. Anyways, he's sadly realizing now that his phone no longer has service, and I have my number back.... mwa ha ha. (evil laugh...)
haha.... anyways... there is one dilemma though. I obviousely lost all my own stuff that i had on the phone (ringtones, messages, pics, contacts, videos, etc...)....
Soooo I need contact info again. If you haven't already seen my away messages, facebook, or myspace, here's one more form of communication: send me your cell/home (or both) number whether through e-mail or whatever else (so that not anyone can read it).... that way, I'll be able to call you again.
Thanks. Looking forward to future conversations.
-Jeff Carl