One in a Million
Well.... it happened. My eyes were opened. You know, I'm an optimist. I think everyone knows that, so it's not like I don't think there are exceptions to the "rules," but since being at Belmont, I've totally realized that there's so much more than just going out and "making it." Like I said, I know that's not always the case. I mean, Hawk Nelson was found playing in a coffee shop in Canada, so hey... of course there are those situations.
Honestly though, I am more excited than ever for my future. Through listening to all these absolutely incredible musicians, it's really inspired me to just go on. It's funny, 'cause you'd think that hearing tons of people way better than you would discourage you, but it's just the opposite. It inspires me, because I know those people had their dreams and are now pursuing them. They've earned their talent. haha.
Anyways, I had such a fun time today. It was definitely a good representation of Nashville all in all. I started out my day with preparing for/doing my audition. I was the first one for the piano section to audition, so I was really happy, 'cause I got to get it done and over with first. I think I did okay. My pieces weren't shiny and spectacular, but they represented who I am musically, and it seemed to go well. A couple judges (afterwards) told me they enjoyed my stuff, which later a student told me they rarely ever say to auditionees, so that's PERHAPS a good sign. :)
Honestly though, in the end, just like it's been for all these schools I've visited this week... it's up to God. I feel different pulls to each college, but it'll just need a ton of prayer and discernment.
After the audition, I met one of the other students who is a commercial voice major. His name was Josh Wright. He was really nice and really took time out of his day to spend with me. We basically spent the whole afternoon in the Performing Arts Center listening to the rehearsal for a commercial showcase Belmont is putting on Monday. Needless to say, I was in awe the entire time watching those performers. I loved it. After that, we went to a church where Phil Snowden was playing a worship service. It was amazing. Phil, Dad, and I then went to downtown Nashville and ate dinner at the Hardrock Cafe there. It was great times with great food. Afterwards, we walked below the amazing skyscrapers for awhile, then went our separate ways.
I am completely tired and am going to sleep well tonight. I'm exhausted from this whole week. Lotttttts of stuff to go over in my head, but again.... prayer is all it takes. God's awesome.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, everyone, while I've been on this trip.
-Jeff Carl