Crazy Now, Calm Later
Well, plans for this weekend are pretty insane. Yesterday, I got to have lunch with Hannah which was great. It was really nice to catch up. Then, I drove out to Evan's, and Sabrina did a great job with everything. The recording is really coming together now. It sounds incredible, at least I think it does.... however, I am rather biased now aren't I? Today, I am meeting Rave in Bath for lunch (:-D) and then heading back over to Evan's for last day of recording with Sabrina. I'm soooo stoked! Tomorrow, I am going to church, and after that, I'm heading to the mall with Rachelle and her family to spend Easter with them at Olive Garden. I know how fun that's going to be, so I can't wait, especially since I don't know when I'm going to be seeing Rachelle again after this weekend. After lunch, we're going to go see Vantage Point, and then who knows what after that, but it's going to be fun. In the evening, I might head over to the Ginnan's and chill with them a little. I have Monday off of work, so that'll be nice. I'm thinkin' that this week is going to be a little more relaxed. It should be nice, although I have loved my schedule this past week... seeing everybody's been great. Anyways, I am already late for getting ready for lunch today... ahh!