Literally... I found something that someone else posted about cigarettes. I knew they were bad for you, but I've never heard the ingredients listed in this context before. Check out some of the ingredients and some of the stuff they're linked to besides cigarettes (some of this stuff, I already knew, but...):
Arsenic-- rat poison, Fungicides.
Cadmium - Linked to lung and prostate cancer.
Benzene - Linked to leukemia.
Formaldehyde - Linked to lung cancer.
Nickel - Causes increased susceptibility to lung infections.
Ammonia- Household cleaner.
Angelica root extract- Known to cause cancer in animals.
Benzene- Used in making dyes/synthetic rubber.
Butane- Gas; used in lighter fluid.
Carbon monoxide- Poisonous gas.
Cadmium- Used in batteries.
Cyanide- Deadly poison.
DDT- A banned insecticide, due to it nearly causing the extinction of the Bald Eagle.
Ethyl Furoate- Causes liver damage in animals.
Lead- Poisonous in high doses.
Formaldehyde- Used in dead bodies to preserve them.
Methoprene- Insecticide, growth regulator.
Naphthalene- Ingredient in mothballs.
Methyl isocyanate- killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984.
Polonium- Radioactive element used in atomic bombs.
(those aren't even all the ingredients....there's
I hate cigarettes. I am sorry it is so addicting. I wish it wasn't, because it is literally unintentional (or intentional) suicide!