But now it's been 2,000 years. Two thousand years later, and yes, we have the Bible, but in a sense, what we've been given is "word of mouth." The problem is that I feel like the Bible just leads to cyclic thinking.
"Why is the Bible true?"
"Because God says it is."
"Oh, oh... cool. How do you know God said that?"
"Because it's in the Bible."
Two thousand years. The proof. Wouldn't it just be so much easier if Christianity was just a fact. You could still choose whether or not you'd want to follow it, but at least it would be a fact. Now, if some people are reading this and getting all freaked out wondering if I'm questioning my faith and going off the deep end, rest assured... I'm okay. I'm just simply stating my thoughts on how I struggle with the faith aspect of Christianity. I'm okay with "believing" off of word of mouth/literature. We do that all the time. I just struggle with knowing that the evidence I wish existed... doesn't.
And I know people say, "well there IS evidence." I know, I know. I know there's "supporting proof" for certain aspects of the Bible. Sweet. But there obviously isn't the proof that I'm talking about, because if there was proof for everything in the Bible.... actual FACTUAL TRUTH, then a whole lot more people would believe.
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