Jeff Carl.
October 03, 2008
  Oh, Politics. Ok, so I'm usually not a politics person. I've been not involved with it these last few months hardly at all. However, in light of the upcoming election, I figured I should start paying a little more attention. I've watched the last two debates (both the Presidential and V. Presidential). Coming at it from a very open perspective (since I didn't know much about either candidate), I've been blown away by the debates. Strictly from the debates (and I realize I need to do more research obviously), I am way more for Obama/Biden than I am for McCain/Palin. First of all, I can't stand Palin. The debate last night made me feel sorry for her, and I really don't understand how anybody could see last night's debate as a Republican win. Palin seemed so unprepared and inadequate for a position as high as VP. I'm not going to lie. She had a few good points that I really agreed with, but in general, Biden was always one step ahead of her, and I feel like she was constantly just trying to keep up. Above even that, she hardly ever answered the questions!! She, for some reason, felt the need to "sum up" her entire campaign every single question many times completely evading the question (or not being specific at ALL). Biden would be talking about how the McCain administration isn't differing from the Bush administration, and she went on a huge rampage about how she loves education, which was totally irrelevant to the question. That was just one instance.

Anyways, I'm not trying to completely slam Palin. Like I said, she had some good points and yes, she's pretty, but I think she waaaay overestimates her "experience" in Alaska, which she referred to oh so many times. On the other side, Biden did have a couple moments of hesitation, but overall, he was MUCH more solid and progressive with his answers and wasn't just looking down at his information cards every 2.8 seconds.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself the tough question. It's not a matter of who would be the better vice president alone. It's a matter of... If the new Presidential pick dies at any point during his presidency, who do you want as the new president? Biden or Palin? Maybe she could do a good job at VP, but under no circumstances do I want Palin as the overall President of the United States of America. She's just not ready.

Final comments: Like I said, I know I still have a lot of research to do. There are two more debates which should be very interesting. I'm going to watch them both. I apologize if I seem really critical, but as of right now, based on the debates alone (which are valid considering the information is directly out of the candidates' mouths), I am actually leaning toward the Obama/Biden administration. Crazy, huh? 
Joe Biden is one of the most liberal, pro-choice, anti-moral jerks in Washington. He lied through his teeth through the whole thing last night...yes, I have done my research. He kept referring to the Bush administration which is clearly different from McCain. McCain was against Bush in a lot of things. Biden is all for raising taxes, killing babies, sending all our manufacturing to China (who's been poisoning our stuff, btw) so we can be even MORE dependent on foreign exports, continuing to drill for oil in the Middle East(when we have PLENTY of oil RIGHT HERE--oh the carbou. I forgot.), and does he even CARE that we need to friggin protect Israel??? No.

Yeah, Palin had a few shaky moments last night, and she even skewed a couple facts. But she's pro-life, conservative, wants to allow America to be dependent on itself for resources, and she's not afraid to be a christian AND a powerful politician at the same time. She's also ready to support Israel at all costs.

I don't know, but that seems pretty logical to me...anyway,no matter who wins the election, God's still in control so whatever happens happens. I can see that we're definitely going to be divided on this though.
wow what a retard you are. she didn't have information cards you bimbo she was writing down what Biden was stating for her rebuttal.i would know i have done a few debates in my day. get a clue you!
To both,

If you didn't catch it, I'm admitting that I have a ton more research to do, and I think you both kind of read way more into the post than intended.. but that's okay. Keep the comments coming. I like them.

To anonymous,

Grow up. Ad hominem is not the way to prove a point. You're right, I take back my dumb "information card" statement, but overall, what I said made sense strictly as an observation.

To Sabrina,

Ideals and Christianity aside, do you think that with all the circumstances our country is going through, the debate on abortion is enough to sway a presidential choice? You know me, and you know where I stand on that, but honestly, the reality is that no matter what, abortion is going to exist, not to mention Bush has hardly done anything about it like he said he was. Again, I'm not saying it's not important, but I think there are a lot more things going on besides that.
Jeff, your entry and responses to the comments are so incredibly accurate, so perfectly worded and so what I am feeling that I just want to stand up and cheer, haha.

Thought I would share :] We should catch up sometime!

Ehh it's all ethical issues in my opinion. All I honestly care about in this election is who is making a stance against abortion and the most logical direction as far as the war goes...I understand what you're saying, but that just seems to make sense from my conservative standpoint. Like I said, lol, we won't agree on this sooo I'm not trying to be "my way or the highway". Psh, if I thought they could win at all, I'd vote Libertarian and just be done with government as it is, but America can't really handle that.

Soooo I'm voting for the people who make sense to me. In the end, it's all about voting anyways, and exercising that right to care about what's important. Democracy is mostly a good thing:)
Although "ideals and christianity" can't really be put aside when I think about these things since...well...I consider that part of my thinking processes as a whole...that's how I filter everything I think about!
To Sabrina,

yeah, i definitely agree we should vote for what we believe. I guess all in all, I just feel like the topics of abortion (or gay marriage) are not the most important issues at present. I'm not saying they shouldn't be addressed. I'm just saying that they are not going to be what I base my presidential choice on this election. So yeah, anyways.. thanks for your comments. :) And I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday.

To Hannah,

It is nice to hear from you. It's been awhile, and I agree, we should definitely catch up sometime. Maybe we could meet up over Thanksgiving break or something. :) Miss you.
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