Jeff Carl.
February 01, 2009
  It's Going to Take More than Dreams It's official people. I'm re-inspired. Not just in a musical way, but in a life-goal way. I don't know what all is going to happen yet, but I've just been honing in on how this all works. Regardless of what the future holds, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we all get off our lazy asses and do something about what we always talk about. I've been turning into that person I always loathe. That person that gives up on their passions and loses faith in believing that they can accomplish anything. Even beyond that, look around. Most people that have their dreams come true did not have them just handed to them. They worked unimaginably hard to make it to where they are. They dropped out of school, they spent all their money, they lost everything. Yet, they've followed their dreams. I guess I'm just sick of sitting back talking about it all. I'm done talking. I want to BE. I want to DO. I don't care what people tell me about my "skills." The reality is that I suck. I'm an amateur musician who has huge dreams, but it ends there. They're just dreams. I'm just realizing more than ever that it's not about dreams. Dreams are a distraction. They're good for hope, but horrible for execution. You can't focus on the future. You have to focus on the now, because until we get over ourselves and start trying, we're a whole bunch of nobody's with bullshit dreams.

I'm going to Belmont in the fall.
I'm going to better myself in my musical abilities.
I'm going to live life with eyes and ears wide open.
I'm going to expand my horizons.

I can't...No...I won' that guy on his deathbed thinking back on all the things that could have been. I'm going to give it my all. I'm going to not take no for an answer. I'm done talking about it. 'Cause I have no credentials to talk as if I have any sort of leverage when there are thousands of people that have gotten over themselves and are simply just doing instead of just wishing. I want to be one of them. I can't lose myself.

_Jeff Carl 
oh sure NOW you're going to Nashville :-P

ummmm i'm thinking we should catch up like SOON. and i miss the heck out of you ♥
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