argIn our family, there's always so much stress involved with leaving for a trip, and this is just a weekend vacation too. To Cleveland, Ohio to visit the grandparents. It never fails, though, honestly.... no matter what day we leave on, how much sleep people get, how prepared we are, there's so much stress involved. Every time. I'm not going to go into detail; it's just frustrating. haha.
I'm going to have time to think in the car. I don't know if that's good or bad, 'cause lately... I've been thinking about a lot. And to be honest, I don't know how I feel, really. I think I'm just confusing myself more and more. Oh well. Like I said in my last post, I've just been in weird moods lately...grumpy, you know? I miss people, I can't figure myself out, There's a lot of stress in the house, Not a lot of sleep, Busy schedule (which I don't like), I don't know what else... it's just, certainly odd indeed.
But, God is in control. Maybe that's what I am learning through my mood lately. My biggest struggle in my Christian walk is lack of time daily in God's Word. I know that that is the food that feeds believers, and I know that I am hungry for it, thirsty for it, craving it, because God can give me answers through it.... yet I refuse to be disciplined, and I can't keep blaming that on Satan. I need to step up and do this on my own. I NEED to do my devos. I need to be more receptive to God. Maybe lately, I've just been thinking of God as too much of a powerful, controlling God. Not that he's not, but how often do I close my eyes, quiet my heart, and just say, "Hey, Dad. I love you."
I've been listening to hardcore Gospel music lately. As much as I love it, maybe that's what is making me go insane after a couple hours of listening to that stuff.
Anyways, this is my last update before we leave tomorrow after school. Sorry it was more of a low-key post, but I hope everyone has a great Colombus Day Weekend. I know lots of my college friends went home for the weekend, so enjoy you guys. I miss my college friends.
And I won't stop saying that, 'cause I do. I don't know why it's been so bad lately, but I miss them a lot. a lot.
i missssssssssssss you jeff....i decided i'm coming home the weekend of the 21st. so maybe we can all get together that weekend. no exceptions...we gotta work this out.
hope you had massive amounts of fun in ohio. i had an interesting weekend home...nothing important lol, just little things.