A Lasting Change
So many people think that change is bad. We all have our little bubble, and things go exactly how they are supposed to. We are wanted. Heard. Accepted. Encouraged. Loved. When that bubble breaks though, it's as if nothing will ever be the same. But who decided that?
Since I've been in Florida, it has been a constant struggle in the way of friendship. I definitely had my bubble of friends up North this past year, and I loved that. I was comfortable around them. But I've had to expand my horizons down here. I've had to let go a little. Let go of my friends up north. That's not to say I distance myself from them, but there is 100% a definite CHANGE in those relationships. People can choose to accept that or not. They react to something as if things should be exactly how they were. They're offended by something that isn't my fault. It's not my fault. It's change's fault. We can learn how to deal with change though, that is what makes it sad. It's all WORKING for the relationship. It's no longer seeing the person every day or twice a week or three times a week or whatever. It's making an effort to communicate. However, lives separated by 1500 miles does a lot to a relationship. Sometimes schedules conflict. Sometimes plans are different. Sometimes accessibility changes. Sometimes, cell phones are stupid. The thing is, when those things happen, it doesn't HAVE to be a huge bad ordeal. It's just different. Expectations can NOT be the same. Desires can NOT be the same. Wants, habbits, traditions.... can't be the same.
Change can be good and bad. However, if chosen, it CAN be mostly good. It's just a matter of how we view change. Obviousely, in my example, I've used friendships-being-split-apart-by-a-move as the change, but I think the concept is true regardless: Change happens, and it brings along things we're not used to. We can't expect things to be exactly how they were. We simply have to learn the new things and go with it.
I'm learning this in multiple ways. But....I'm not the only one who needs to accept this.
Have a little more faith in true friendship. I'm not changing.